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freistilbox Docs
How it works
Access management
Configuration snippets
Domains and DNS
Filesystem and permissions
PHP versions
Staging environments
The Boxfile
What are Processing Units?
Getting started
The basics
Getting SSH access
Your first website
The code repository
Configuring the Boxfile
Hosting services
Deploying your code
Launching your website
Shell access
Data protection
Does freistilbox make backups?
How can I install piwik on freistilbox?
How can I use a separate SSH key for Git?
How do I configure cron jobs?
How do I index file contents with Solr?
How do I set up DNS for my website?
How does freistilbox handle logs?
How is freistilbox monitored?
Outgoing IP addresses
Payment methods
Sending and receiving email
Technical support
Troubleshooting deployments
Where can I get website metadata?
Where can I see the current status of freistilbox?
Where can my application put backup files?
Where can my application save temporary files?
Why application code is read-only on freistilbox
Why does Mysqldump or drush sql-dump fail suddenly?
Why is the server time running ahead/behind of my own?
How do I interact with the MySQL database?
Which MySQL storage engine should I use?
Why are database IDs not continuous?
How can I disable PHP in subfolders?
How can I limit website access to a number of IP addresses?
How can I restrict website access with a login?
Let's Encrypt
SSL encryption
Why is allow_url_fopen() disabled?
How can I force an immediate cache refresh?
How can I prevent caching for parts of my website?
How do I enable memcached?
How to optimise your website's caching efficiency
Memcached usage
Why does my web application lose all its cookies?
Why does the cache not update when assets are changed?
How do the changes in Drupal 8 affect freistilbox?
Using Drush
freistilbox Dashboard
Get support
Friday, 2024-08-16
PHP 8.3 available
PHP 8.3 is now available.