Technical support

Did you encounter an issue that you can’t resolve with our online documentation alone? Our team is here to help you with any question or problem.

Sign in to your freistilbox Dashboard and the website in question. From there, you’ll be able to reach our engineers via support request.

To create a support request, simply click the link “Contact support” in the “Support” section of your website’s details page:

Getting support from the dashboard

This will create a new ticket with our engineering team in which we’ll document our progress to resolution. It will automatically contain important details like your cluster and website IDs.

Please do not mix unrelated topics in a single request. The resolution of your issues will be much easier to track if you create a separate support request for each of them.

Essential details

You can speed up the resolution of an issue by answering the following questions as precisely as possible:

  • WHAT are the symptoms of the problem?
  • WHERE do they manifest?
  • WHEN was the problem first detected and, if it was only temporary, when did it end?

Here is an example support request that covers all the essential details:

[WHAT] We noticed error messages (“error 503”) [WHERE] on our website [WHEN] The problem started circa 14:20 CET and at 14:35, the site was working okay again.

The following details will help us, too:

  • a link to some instructions you followed
  • a relevant snippet of code or configuration
  • a screenshot of an error message

Always make sure to give us as much information as possible. The fewer roundtrips with you we need to get the issue clear, the faster we’ll be able to resolve it.